RomMig is a three year AHRC-DFG funded project investigating and making visible a series of historical Romani migrations between the UK and Germany (1880s-1910)

Latest posts from our blog

  • RomMig Team at the Sinti Music Festival
    On 14 September, Eve Rosenhaft and Volha Bartash, who joins RomMig as our new research team member (Welcome Volha!), travelled to Osnabrück for the Sinti Music Festival organised by our cooperation partner Mario Franz […]
  • Eve Rosenhaft Awarded European History Quarterly Article Prize
    Congratulations to RomMig’s Eve Rosenhaft! Her article, Romani Berlin: ‘Gypsy’ Presence, the Culture of the Horse Market and the Shaping of Urban Space 1890–1933, was chosen as the winner of the European History Quarterly Article Prize 2022. The […]
  • Lessons from the history of anti-gypsyism – engaging and transforming public agencies
    One of the key themes of the RomMig project is the practices by which Sinti and Roma were policed in Germany and Britain and across Europe. European states and societies shared the project of […]
  • RomMig Events – Keeping the Conversation Going
    RomMig held its first workshop at the University of Bielefeld on 6-7 March, under the title Transnational Migration in Romani History: Agency, Media, and Policing. In spite of the snowy weather, we were able to […]
  • Call for Papers
      Crossings: Non-Privileged Migration and Mobility Control in the Age of Global Empires (c. 1850-1914).  Conference to be held at the German Historical Institute London, April 25-26, 2024 The time period between 1850 and […]