On 24 March, the Hamburg Sinti-Verein zur Förderung von Kindern und Jugendlichen held its second annual Ehrentag für Bürgerrechtler aus der Sinti- und Roma-Community in the Maria-Magdalena-Kirche in Achtern Born (Hamburg). The purpose of the Ehrentag is to celebrate those individuals who have worked with passion and commitment for the well-being and rights of Sinti and Roma. This year, our partner Mario Franz was honoured for his personal and organisational work. Presenting the award, Sinti-Verein President Christian Rosenberg highlighted Mario’s achievements as an independent scholar of Sinti language and history, and for the ways in which he has communicated his knowledge and inspired young people through the work of his own foundation Maro Drom Sui Generis e.V. and in award-winning collaborations with schools and youth groups. The event opened and closed with music from the Maro Baschepen group. A video of the whole event is available on YouTube at https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6f6bKVO-DgA&feature=youtu.be